7 Fun Basketball Games for Kids

Here are seven unique basketball games for kids that they will enjoy, each with an emphasis on developing their abilities.

  1. Sharks and Minnows: Dribbling and Ball Control

Skills are enhanced: Dribbling, ball control and spatial perception.

How to Play:

  • Choose one or two players to act in the role of “sharks” without a ball. The remaining players, referred to as “minnows,” each hold each basketball.
  • Sharks are situated at one end of the court, while minnows are positioned on the other.
  • Minnows must play and dribble between bases to get to the next and stay away from sharks trying to steal or throw balls away.
  • Minnows who drop their ball turn into sharks the following round.

The winning requirements are as follows: The last minnow standing wins and becomes Shark for the following round.

What does it do? This game emphasizes the control of the ball, as well as making decisions when under stress.

  1. Knockout: Shooting and Rebounding Skills

Skills Improved: Shooting accuracy, speed, and rebounding.

How to Play:

  • Two players must line in a row and each one is holding a basketball. The first player is the one who will make the shot.
  • If the player is first to shoot, they pass the ball to the next player in line, and they proceed toward the opposite side. If they do not succeed, the next shooter will try to “knock out” the first player with the intention of trying to score ahead of them.
  • Suppose two players fail to play consecutively and are disqualified. The game continues until there’s just one remaining player.

What it does: This competitive game improves the speed of shooting and decision-making and keeps the players interested.

  1. Around the World: Shooting Accuracy from Different Positions

Skills learned: Shooting accuracy and regularity.

How to Play:

  • Seven shooting areas are marked in the area surrounding the court.
  • Each player starts at the beginning point and takes a shot. If they’re successful, they go to the next spot if they fail three times, they shift to the side of the line.
  • The first person who has completed the basket from each space is declared the winner.

The reason it’s effective: Practicing shots from different angles and distances can aid in improving your shooting capabilities.

  1. 21 Points: Quick Decision-Making and Scoring

Skills learned: Shooting under pressure and rebounding.

How to Play:

  • Players gather before a particular shooting location.
  • Every shot that is successful is awarded points. One point is awarded for the original shot and two points for the rebound.
  • If a player makes a mistake twice, they won’t be awarded points. The game is finished when a player has scored exactly 21 points (going over resets the score to 13).

What it does: The game encourages concentration, speed, agility and coherence under stress.

  1. Basketball Golf: Precision Shooting

Skills developed: Shooting precision and concentration.

How to Play:

  • Make a shooting space in”the “hole.” Players shoot each other to score the number of attempts required to get to the basket.
  • When all players have played the hole, select the next hole and then continue playing.
  • The player with the lowest cumulative score is declared the winner.

What does it do? This creative adaptation of golf enhances accuracy and assists in maintaining the same shot shape.

  1. Musical Basketballs: Shooting and Reaction Time

Skills developed: Quick thinking, timing, and shooting precision.

How to Play:

  • Basketballs must be placed in the middle of the court, not with one player less than the total number of players.
  • When the music is playing, the players walk or jog about the soccer ball. After the music stops players take balls and shoot.
  • If the player is last to score, the basket is eliminated. continues to play until one winner is discovered.

The way it works: It combines the pleasure of musical chairs with the challenge to shoot, ensuring kids interested and engaged.

  1. Home Run: Dribbling and Shooting Game

Skills acquired: Dribbling endurance and shooting under pressure.

How to Play:

  • Divide players into teams of shooters, dribblers and dribblers.
  • Dribblers start at one baseline. They aim to dribble on the other baseline, and then return.
  • The shooters who have been located at a certain location and shoot to stop Dribblers from moving through shouts of “stop” when a basket is formed. The frozen dribbler in the freezer passes onto the player who is next.
  • Points are awarded to each participant who completes the course. Teams switch roles after each round.

What does it do? This team-based game enhances the endurance of dribbling and fosters teamwork.


Basketball games for kids are much more than amusement. They’re a vital part of developing abilities. When it’s about improving shooting, dribbling or teamwork, these games keep kids active and interested. They also provide opportunities to build life-long skills like perseverance, focus and strategic thinking, which makes basketball an integral part of childhood.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the best age for children to start playing basketball?

Children can begin playing basic shooting and dribbling games around the age range of 5 to 6 years old.

2. What are the advantages of basketball for kids?

These games can improve your body fitness, enhance motor skills, and boost confidence.

3. Are these games suitable for kids?

Yes, they can be adjusted to any skill level, from beginner to advanced.

4. What equipment is required for this basketball sport?

A hoop, a basketball, and markers like cones are all that you need.

5. How often should kids play basketball?

It is recommended to do it every week for a minimum of three times. It is an excellent way to improve your skills while maintaining in shape.

6. Parents are able to be part of these sports?

Absolutely! Parents can plan the game, serve as a referee or even cheer their kids on.